

had a cat with Lorenzo after this crit and he pointed out something that has ben at the back of my mind for the last month or so.  I stupidly have been ignoring it but infact it is so importantly correct and neccessary.

When showing my Brownies boards and asking about the image repetition problem he voiced the problem of having a large group of small things but no whole package as a prduct as the impact sum up shot.  That is to say that I had made lots of little things but how would they be distrubuted and used as a product?

So considering I have set myself a deadline of friday to submit my boards it was a matter of hours to produce some packaging.  I had to think fast and in tune with my brief.  This wasn't a time for belly bands.  It had to be something that a 7-11 year old would love and want to take to school with them.  So I decided to further the felt imagery theme and try this... (below).

However, once catching up with Lorenzo to show a quick proposed resolution to the problem, it was said that make sure there is some design in there.  This might be completely and utterly true.  However, I was left a little confused in the way that what is design? If I have been spending the last three months churning out image to solve problems and for branding, where is the line? Because the image is made of material and used on packaging-is that still design?

Another quick mock up made in the hours before boards deadline.  Baring in mind I had to reshoot I was VERY panicked when making this.  However, another completely necessary comment from Lorenzo.  I hadn't pushed it into a product.  However, on reflection and after printing and re photographing-the label was necessary but the barcode wasn't! I forgot the context and forgot that this was a free bee- not a product to be scanned and bought.

However, despite the mocked up paper choice  I think it was important for me to make these changes.  If anything to show myself that it's never too late and its SO important to take these extra steps in products instead of student work.

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