
crit aftermath

In short my own evaluation of my work involved me talking about feeling comfortable in the fact that I have worked hard and achieved the minimum response to each brief.  However I am fully aware that there is so much more that I could do and despite being EXHAUSTED I need to keep going along the same tracks I am on now. I need to push my briefs out of student standard into co-corporate products that have a place in the outside world.

Brief 1 for example (wallpaper).  I am pleased with the amount of variables of image making that I have put together so far, as well as a ore interesting format of the packaging idea.  however, I need to keep pushing and really bring this brief through to the other end.  I dont want it to be a branding brief but I need to ensure that I pull the wallpapers all together in the way that they are packaged and sold, especially given the fact that the imagery and methods of producing the image are inconsistent.

Brief 2 (brownies) is coming along.  however I feel I have hit a wall after again producing the minimum and now it needing a push to improve it and to make it a real one of a kind product.  I think that i need to stop recycling the imagery as despite them being the only consistent imagery world wide-I cannot rely on them any longer to produce more deliverable in a range.  I d like to push it into another medium.  For example, the brief is about uniting the brownies world wide to celebrate their 100th anniversary.  Why not push it into the 21st century and involve some web-maybe skyping etc to add another element to the response.  

I have a few more smaller briefs been set for me;
wallpaper for Dutch- 80s theme-yet to receive
Dickens cover- artist's impression- for Ben and Aaron

I'd like to do these next week and come back to Brownies to make sure this idea is still a good one...

I also want to get these wallpapers DONE!

Overall a good crit. However, it was very clear that it is up to me and my ideas to push these briefs through with as much effort as I have been putting in. I can't slow down, if anything this is the trickiest bit!

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